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Modern Architecture

Showed Leadership

Anything can be acheived, but through actions and leadership. 

During COVID in 2021, students were forced to leave school for remote learning, and some students like myself were not able to return and attend the in-person high school graduation ceremony. Thus, I proposed and organized a synchronous commencement in Beijing, China. Once I received approval from the school, I gathered students that are willing to help, establishing teams for decoration, performances, finances, and food, and lead the entire process for a month, communicating to different groups and the school. Finally, our commencement was a great success: we reached attendance of 70 families from across Asia and received recognition from the school as the first commencement ceremony to include remote graduates. 

Painting Wall


Initiative is pushing growth -- as a team and an individual.

When the treasurer of my a cappella had to leave unexpectedly, there was an urgent need for us to get funds for the impending concert and manage regular operation expenses. I quickly stepped up, familiarized with the Student Union Financial Policies, drafted a compelling year-long operations budget with our advisor, and delivered a presentation to the SU council to fund for our concert. Eventually, I was able to secure full funding for our concert venue and technical expenses, and we received approval of $2500 budget for flat funding of our planned operations next year. 

Green Juices

Solved a Business Problem

Identifying the true problem and changing an approach.

As an English Language Advancement Intern at ByteDance, I was responsible for improving employees' skills and interests in English through class sessions. However, the actual turnout rates of our first few sessions were low, and those that showed up seemed unmotivated to participate. To increase attendance, I sent out surveys and asked for the opinions of current employees. I realized that people were concerned about the additional time input for English lessons and unsure if other people would show up. To combat this, I changed the format of the sessions from lecture styled to English learning tables during lunchtime, so people can improve their English during lunch and attract more employees to join. Eventually, this strategy was a huge success: not only did we achieve higher attendance rate but also a boost in employee engagement which created a positive and collaborative English learning culture among the office. 

Sale Branding

Worked with Data

Identifying trends and problem-solving through data.

In a business program(Technology Leadership Summer Institute, UCLA Anderson School of Management), I completed an analysis of Nestlé Company's Dairy Product Market Sales, which experienced a decline after the rise of the plant-based milk market. To do so, I started by pulling data from multiple online sources and databases, (including Canada gov., Statista, Good Food Institute, etc.). Then, I conducted a heavy analysis of the data using R and Tableau, which allowed me to compare dairy consumption across different regions, ages, and dairy product types. I was able to identify that while whole milk consumption is declining, skim milk is still steady which indicated a growth of health-conscious consumers. Eventually, I delivered a 20-minute presentation about my findings at the end of the program and suggested a solution of launching fitness products such as protein bars for sugar and health-conscious consumers. 

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